Linggo, Enero 20, 2013

Software to Assist in Managing Contingent Workers

Questions and Answers:

1. What key advantages are associated with the use of R.A.T.S?

Answer: The key of advantages with the use of R.A.T.S it is all about talking about business or a company the advantages of this is that hiring some talented and deserving worker it well help to had a source of income. In this program also they can hired also some worker perform their job accurately through the proper training and validation of skills when the company need and the company also can benefit. 

2. Does R.A.T.S increase or decrease the chances that a company will deal more ethically with contingent workers? Why do you think so?

Answer: Increase, because many people will become interested to participate or to work this company because R.A.T.S quality training, validation of skills, and also this organization can help also for those people who is willing to rehired for other department.

3. Answer: The Application the needs the R.A.T.S is that for me they are going also hired those people who are lack of experiences so that they can help these people to improve their skills and because of that many worker will become interested the features is that. 

Telemedicine Moving Into the Mainstream

Questions and Answers:

1. Can you provide examples either refuse or confirm the idea that a gap exists between the healthcare services available to the wealthy and the poor in the United States?

Answer: The Example that I can provide is that in terms of bill in the hospitals there must be a gap between poor and wealthy. I list ow bill cost per those poor person in order that they can afford there illness.

2. Should healthcare organizations make major investments in telemedicine to provide improved  services to rural areas, even if the cost of these investments cannot be justified and results in increased health costs?

Answer: Yes, if it's needed even though if will increased the cost because life is important and it can save life when purpose.

3. What are the drawbacks of telemedicine? What situation might not lend themselves to telemedicine solutions?

Answer: Some problems of technology specially have rare problems of software business because it can help to monitor the limitations of Medicine.

Overcoming the Digital Divide in Uzbekistan

Questions and Answers:

1. Imagine that you have been appointed to lead the GCE program in Uzbekistan for the next 3 years. Identify at least six specific goals you would set for the program.

Answer: The six goals that I want to make in:
- Sincerity
- Economic Relationship
- Political
- Civil Society Issues
- Livelihoods
- Empowering the Agriculture

2. Explain how meeting each of these specific goals would improve the standard of living in Uzbekistan.

Answer: This goals are very important in Uzbekistan because as what I had observed that country this goals which is I believed this is the lacking why Uzbekistan will not improve, if they have this goals they can achieved the high economic and peace country.

3. Using the Uzbekistan case as an example, describe the types of obstacles-other man economic-that schools face in overcoming the global digital divide.

Answer: The obstacles are involving is the war against terrorist and in Economic and schools they need some support in other countries in terms of facilities.

Economic Revival Raises H-1B Contreversy

Questions and Answers:

1. In your opinion, will raising the application fee deter employers from hiring H-1B workers for the sole purpose of reducing labor cost?

Answer: No, because they raised the application for the reason that they will make labor costs highly.

2. What effects do Bill Gates and Gerald Cohen believe H-1B visa restrictions will have on the development of a skilled IT labor force in the United States? What effect do you think these restrictions might have?

Answer: They effect of this for in cased the skilled IT member will vanished, another person who will replaced on my own insights another problem how to handle a new person.

3. In light of the growing trend offshore outsourcing, what purpose, if any do H-1B visa restrictions serve?

Answer: The purpose is that they are going and to avoid some trends in some transaction that made that's why they have some restrictions.

Does IT Investment Pay Off?

Questions and Answers:

1. Apart from the annual rate of output per worker, what are other any ways of measuring labor productivity?

Answer: In measuring labor productivity is that observation is needed, observing what are these lapses that the I.T does. Knowing his/her capability to work.

2. What factors determine whether a new information system will increase or decrease labor productivity?

Answer: The information is to determine is the output of per worker we all know if the productivity will increased and decreased.

3. Why is it so difficult to determine whether IT has increased labor productivity?

Answer: It is difficult  because every IT worker has their own capability or ability to work in that way can observed that every worker had different ways of working or shall we say they had their limitations to work.

Lotus vs. Borland

Questions and Answers:

1. Go to your school's computer lab or a PC software and experiment with current versions of any two of the Quattro, Excel, and Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet programs. Write a brief paragraph summarizing the similarities and differences in the "lock and feel" of these two programs.

Answer: There similarities that Quattro pro are the same spreadsheet program used in the computer which is considered as a techniques in using computers in order to use easily.
-There differences is that Lotus released it's flagship spreadsheet product, enable users to perform accounting functions on a computer was Lotus also allowed users to write macro, a series of commands activated by a single macro keystroke.
- While Quattro Pro gave users a choice for how they communicate with the spreadsheet program using menu commands design by Borland or by using commands.

2. The courts took several years to reverse their decision and rule in favor of Borland. What impact did this delay have on the software industry? How might things have been different if Borland had received an initial favorable ruling?

Answer: The impact of this is that there would be some problems of this software that it should be fixed. It can cause some delay in enhancing the proper processing of this software. If the Borland will receive the initial favoring it can help to produced Borland some products which is being related to the software they can name or have or can make any system or techniques in software. 

3. Assume that you are the manager of Borland's software development. With the benefit of hindsight what different decisions would you have made about Quattro?

Answer: If I were the manager Borland Software Development, maybe I will make or create any fastest technology composed to others so that it will be easy to promote and I will make Quattro became known everywhere. 

Patriot Missile Failure

Questions and Answers:

1. With the benefit of hindsight, what steps could have been taken during development of the Patriot software to avoid the problems that led to the loss of life? Do you think these steps would have improved the Patriot's effectiveness enough to make it obvious that the missile was a strong deterrent against the Scud? Why or Why Not?

Answer: They are going to make sure that they used the software when is function efficiently  in order to avoid the problems that can led to lost life. No, because all missiles are strong that can kill any people, there is no question or the patriot can proved there missiles are strong.

2. What ethical decisions do you think the U.S military made in deploying the Patriot missile to Israel and Saudi Arabia and in reporting the effectiveness of the Patriot system?

Answer: The Ethical decision of America is that they are going to prove that this missile that is discovered by Israel can provide a short learn defense against missile, that nobody would ever run the system for more twenty hours at a time.

3. What key lessons can be taken from this example of safety-critical software developemnt and applied to the development of business information system software?

Answer: The lessons is that when we are why our software us must sure that it function normally and effectively so then we can avoid some accident and it will not affect the development of business information center.