Linggo, Enero 20, 2013

The SCO Group vs. IBM

Questions and Answers:

1. Research the Internet to learn the status of the SCO-IBM dispute. Write a one-page summary for your instructor.

Answer: It is about SCO who is filing legal action against IBM  in the reason of that IBM committing a misappropriation of trade secrets, tortuous, unfair competition and branch of contract. SCO charged that in the original AT&T/IBM Unix licensing agreements. This parties agreed to set a  provisions that required IBM to protect the Unix  Code against unrestricted, disclosure, unauthorized transfer or disposition and unauthorized  used by others. In that case SCO requested damages of at least 1 billion and demanded that IBM cased anticompetetive practices based on specific requirements sent in a notification letter to IBM. If these requirements were not met, SCO would have the authority to revoke IBM's AIX (The IBM of UNIX) license.

2. What does this case teach you about the sale and purchase of rights to software code?

Answer: It is about fair of all times every step that a company made is bieng first to avoid any encountered conflictual, specially in a software just like SCO vs. IBM.

3. Some critics feel that SCO's business tactics are despicable: acquire the rights to software you did not write, claim that lines of the code are embedded in a competing and more popular program and then demand a licensing fee from anyone who uses the rival software. Others think that are perfectly legal. What is your opinion and why?

Answer: SCO's is a software film that sells and service UNIX. For me I think is illegal  all of the transaction of SCO's are illegal because in the information that I claim there is no any proven that SCO's make any violation. Their main purposes is that SCO's want to be fair in other establishment.

4. Discuss the pros and cons of SCO's decision to sue corporate Linux Users.

Answer: *The Pros is that the SCO file a illegal action against IBM for misappropriation of trade secrets, fortious interference, unfair
* The Cons is SCO's charged that in Original AT&T UNIX licensing arguments that required IBM to protect the UNIX code against the unrestricted disclosure.

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